Here are some links I recommend. Links open in a new window. Exit window to return.
Robert Cochrane
Maker of custom leather sporting cases.
Frank’s Personal Waste of Time
Frank Neunemann’s very sophisticated webpage including the Bamboo Zone, with articles, an extensive taper database, links to information about tools and materials, a bibliography, and more links.
Jerry Foster’s homepage of the Rodmakers listserv, with useful links to other cane rodbuilding sites and information.
Trout Unlimited Canada
Trout Unlimited Canada is a non-profit organization dedicated to the conservation of watersheds and the wise use of our coldwater fisheries through habitat restoration and enhancement, research, management and public education.
The Northern Lights Fly Fishers- Trout Unlimited Edmonton
The Northern Lights Fly Fishers – TU Edmonton is a group of dedicated and concerned anglers and cold-water conservationists who meet regularly throughout the year to converse about all things fly tying, fishing, and conservation.
Classic rod forum
Where bamboo rods, their use, value and construction are the staff of life.
Don Andersen’s Facebook Page