
There is a lot of info from various Govt sources detailing the Native Trout Recovery Plan.
This is an attempt to consolidate all of the documents relative to the Plan.
Plus - add a section from the rest of us.

The root of the Plan is the realization that something had to be done. From that awakening, this was developed. And there has been backlash.

Native Trout Recovery Plan

Alberta Enviroment Plan for the Ram System

Alberta Environment Plan for Other River Systems including rational and closures.

In order to support the Plan, several maps and comments were developed

Several Maps of the locations were created c/w explanation

Map #1

Map #2

Then a comment section was created by one of the Regional Biologist and a Research Biologist


The Plan was seen by a bunch of people as yet again blaming the wrong folks.

The Back Country Anglers and Hunters letter to the Minister

Retired Professional Biologists have made comments

Carl Hunt - retired Biololigst Hinton/Edson Region

Duane Radford - retired Fisheries Director for Alberta Letter #1

Duane Radford - retired Fisheries Director for Alberta Letter #2

Kevin Van Tighen - Conservationist and Author

Sportsman's Groups Like the Alberta Fish and Game Assoc.

And I am sure there were letters sent to various Govt. Officals.
As I don't have permission to copy them, I will include only my own.

And of course, there was a  supporter of the Govt Plan.

Trout Unlimited Canada

Regional Biologist response to letters written about the Plan. Most that I've seen were cut and paste of the"Talking Points".

My comments.

Look over the plans carefully. You will find that most of the comments by Govt point the fingers at anglers as the root cause.
The one comment that really stuck in my craw. C & R was not effective in stopping the decline of the fish stocks. NO SHIT SHERLOCK.
You would have thought other issues might have a greater effect and deal with them.
Alberta certainly needs further protection for the possible recovery of native stocks however there are several BIG TICKET items that might get in the way.


·        Stop - Fragmentation, Roads (hanging culverts) block spawning and fish access to critical winter habitat

·        Stop - Sediment, destroys spawning areas, smothers trout eggs and kills the food supply (invertebrates)

·        Protect -  Riparian areas and floodplain,  stabilizes flood channel, undercut bank cover, woody material in log jams (replaced by old growth trees that fall into stream), forest canopy for shade, stop herbicide spraying (by forestry).  Aerial spraying of herbicides is legal within 5 meters of fish bearing water. Must include ephemerals (temporary, non-fish bearing) to stop human caused sediment, including grazing & cultivation.


Duane Radfords Column on the Ghost River Area.